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Adult Faith Formation and Spiritual Life

OLA’s Adult Formation and Spiritual Life Ministries foster continuing education on the teachings of the Catholic Church and opportunities for spiritual growth for adults.


If you have questions about an individual ministry, please contact the ministry contact listed or the Pastoral Council Commission Ministry Head, Art Keegan, at

Bible Studies/Courses

Throughout the year various studies are offered to the parish. Each study presented allows you to better understand sacred history and your role in this history. Elizabeth Piper, Director of Faith Formation,


Bible Discussion Group for Men

The group attends the 7:30am Mass and then meets for breakfast and bible study. We are in need of fresh blood and would welcome new members with open arms. Joining is easy - just show up at Mass on Friday or if you sleep late come to J. Christopher’s on Dresden at 8:15am.

Al Massey,; Art Keegan,


Catholic Divorce Ministry

Catholic Divorce Ministry is a place that welcomes you during the time of healing after a divorce. This group provides topics to encourage healing, hosts  guest speakers, and participates in socials.

Elizabeth Piper, Director of Faith Formation,


Christ Renews His Parish Retreat (CRHP)

Christ Renews His Parish is an annual parishioner led retreat designed to give both the individual and the parish community an opportunity for renewal and growth in the spiritual life. CRHP is held early in the new year on the OLA campus and lasts from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. The weekend is a great opportunity to get to know other members of the parish, and to see where God is calling you to serve. Participants go home each night.


Elijah Cup Vocations Ministry

Every other weekend at one of the Masses, a different family or individual takes the Elijah Cup home to pray for vocations to the religious life and priesthood - especially to the Society of Mary (Marists), the religious society that serves our parish. Click here to sign up.

Katie Schermerhorn,


Marriage Encounter (WEDS)

Marriage Encounter is the largest pro-marriage organization in the world and promotes weekend experiences for couples who want to make their good marriage even better. WEDS groups are couples who have attended a Marriage Encounter Weekend. They meet for to help each other live out the concepts of the Marriage Encounter Weekend.

Karen Sheehan,


Mary's Mothers Prayer Group

This group of mothers meets two Fridays a month in the Youth Room (located in the parish office/park in parking lot below and walk up path). All moms of the  parish who wish to connect with other moms and who seek to create a spiritual foundation of faith for themselves as they experience the joys and challenges of motherhood are invited. Email Kim Carey and Kelly Perry at ​


Mosaic (Interfaith Couples Ministry)

The goal of this ministry is to offer support for couples who are in dual faith relationships. Parish leaders will work with our interfaith couples to determine their needs and how our parish community can best help them navigate the challenges – and joys – that an interfaith relationship can bring.

Laura and Alan Berstein,


Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)

Inquirers into the Catholic Faith are invited to meet Sundays at 4pm in the Upper Room of the church. The Inquiry Group starts with time to ask questions about the Catholic church and how to become Catholic. It is the beginning of the Order of Catholic Initiation for Adults (OCIA). OCIA is also for baptized Catholics who seek to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and/or Confirmation.

Elizabeth Piper, Director of Faith Formation,


Saturday Men's Discipleship Group

The Saturday Men's Discipleship Group welcomes all men in the community. They meet every Saturday from 7:30-9:00 am in the Parish Office Conference Room. We discuss a variety of issues that all men face, utilizing both scripture and Christian teaching to guide us through the issues on our hearts. This diverse group of men, at all different places in our Christian journey, is focused on men in their relationship with God, their spouses, their children, and in their careers. We strive to become better men, better husbands, better fathers ... Better Christians. Learn more/sign up at  Deacon Bill Kester and Ralph Williams,,


Second Touch Retreat

Relive the experience that awakened you at CRHP by joining us at this mini-retreat that is held in the Fall from Friday night through Saturday. You must have attended a CRHP weekend retreat in order to attend Second Touch.

Jason  and Maggie Hoback,


​Sponsor Couples for the Engaged

Lay ministers/married couples meet with engaged couples as part of the marriage preparation process. Training is required.

Bridgett and Lee Posey,


Tuesday Evening Men's Group

All men of the OLA community are invited to join our bi-weekly Tuesday evening men's group, where we gather to discuss a wide range of topics that impact our lives as men. Meeting every other Tuesday from 8p-9:30 PM in the Youth Room, our group provides a welcoming and supportive environment for men to explore their faith, strengthen their relationships with God, and support each other through the challenges we face. Through scripture and Christian teachings, we seek to grow as individuals, husbands, fathers, and leaders in our community. Blake Smith and Lawrence Lee,


Thursday Morning Bible Study with Art Keegan

Parishioner Art Keegan presents a Bible Study each Thursday morning September - May. Classes are from 8:15 - 9:15am. in the Upper Room. Multiple books of the Bible are discussed each year - selections are chosen by the group under Art's leadership. Everyone is invited to join the group after the 7:30am Mass. Art Keegan,


Walking with Purpose Bible Study (for Women)

Longing for connection to live a Christian life? Connection to God and to other women? Walking with Purpose invites all women of the parish (not just OLACS Moms) to journey through Scripture together and build relationships that matter! Join us as we explore the fundamental question of our Catholic faith and our relationship with Jesus Christ. We meet on Tuesdays at 7pm in the Upper Room of the Church. RSVP by the Friday before each meeting or with questions. More information will be emailed to attendees. Annabelle Ombac, Joy Baljet, and Carolyn Noyd,


Women's Small Faith Groups

Women's small groups are groups of 10-15 women who meet in each others homes to support one another in their journeys as individuals, spouses, mothers, and Christians. Part social and part reflection, these groups promote deepening friendships through faith-filled connections.

Catherine Rice and Gianna Kasten,


Current & Upcoming Offerings

The Rescue Project

The Saturday Men’s Group invites men, women, and teens (16+) to join them for 10 weeks of an in-person experience of the Gospel. ​​Whether you live your faith deeply or know little about Christ, The Rescue Project is for you!


​​WHY RESCUE?  We passionately believe that the most urgent task is the compelling proclamation of the gospel, one that not only shares it in an attractive – and concentrated – way, but that also offers people a way of seeing reality, and of making sense of the world, history, and life that is vastly different from the story our modern culture tells.


WHEN?  Saturdays at 7am Beginning AND Thursdays at 7pm  in the Chanel Center


Questions? Email Deacon Bill Kester, and/or Kevin O’Toole,


Learn More and Register Today!


Surviving Divorce Hope and Healing

Sundays, 6:30-8pm in the Upper Room beginning January 12th

You are welcome to come to one session or all sessions. Start your new year off with Hope and Healing. Session 7: Handling Money Wisely 3/9 Session 8: Learning to Let Go 3/16 Session 9: Seeing God in Romance 3/23 Session 10: Deciding About Dating 3/30 Session 11: Loving All Church Teachings 4/6 Session 12: Finding Love that Last



Email Elizabeth Piper at for more information. 


When We Pray

Tuesdays at 8:15am in the Upper Room

Inspired by the real example of the saints, we will learn how to pray with the same consistency, trust, peace, and passion that led to deep transformation in their souls. When You Pray: A Clear Path to a Deeper Relationship with God will help you begin your journey of prayer, rejuvenate your prayer life, and strengthen your relationship with God so that you can give God your entire heart.

RSVP to Elizabeth Piper at


Keeping in Balance - A Women's Walking

with Purpose Bible Study
Tuesdays at 7pm in the Upper Room
Longing for connection to live a Christian life? Connection to God and to other women?

Walking with Purpose invites all women to journey through Scripture together and build relationships that matter. Join us for our new bible study - Keeping in Balance - on Tuesdays at 7 pm in the Upper Room.

Register today at

Questions? Email Annabelle Ombac, Joy Baljet, and Carolyn Noyd at


Metanoia: A Journey with Christ Into Conversion

Wednesdays at 8:15am and 7pm in the Upper Room beginning Feb. 5th

In the Gospel of Mark, the first words of Jesus are an invitation to metanoia, to repent, to change, to be converted. This series is beautifully filmed on location in the Holy Land, highlighting sacred places such as the Sea of Galilee, the River Jordan, the desert of Temptations, and many of the holy sites in Jerusalem. Each of the 10 episodes explores areas of life where conversion is so often necessary. Metanoia will examine topics such as who Jesus is, what we must do to inherit eternal life, and many other significant matters of faith—presented by Fr. Dave Pivonka. RSVP to Contact Elizabeth Piper at


A Quick Journey Through the Bible Wednesdays at 7pm in the Youth Room beginning January 8th

Discover the unfolding of the Bible's story. This quick walk through the Bible will open up sacred history. Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible helps you get the “big picture” by showing how the narrative books tell a complete story from Adam and Eve to Christ and the Church. If you have not taken this course, now is the time. If you are a lector, involved in choir, eucharistic minister, or usher, your ministry will be enriched by taking this course.



Bible Study: Paul's Letters to the Corinthians (with Art Keegan)

Thursdays at 8:10am in the Upper Room 

What was the early church like in its first few years?  After almost 2,000 years we have changed in our beliefs, traditions, and our practices.  Paul’s letters to the Corinthians is a window to the beliefs and practices of Catholics a mere twenty-five years after Christ’s death.

Paul was a missionary.  He successfully founded a Church in Corinth and then moved on.  Then the troubles started.  The community became prideful.  Factions emerged.  People strayed from the theology and practices Paul tried to teach them.  A split emerged between the founder, Paul, and his beloved flock in Corinth.  Paul could not return to Corinth so he chose to write.  These letters are like the Encyclicals written today.  Paul teaches, admonishes, and calls these believers to live an authentic life in Christ.  We suffer from many of the same faults as our Corinthian forebearers.  Paul is writing to us.


Email Art Keegan at for more information. No need to RSVP, just show up!

FORMED: The Best Catholic Content - All in One Place

OLA is happy to provide our parishioners with free access to Formed, a digital library of Catholic resourses for all ages. Formed resources, including those listed below, are used throughout our programs for children and adults.


Register for a Free Subscription to Formed


  1. Go to

  2. Select your parish by entering name, city and/or zip code. Select: Immaculate Conception - press 'Next'

  3. Register as a Parishioner with your name and email address.

  4. Check your email account for a link to begin using FORMED.

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Contact Us

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Art Keegan

Adult Formation and Spiritual Life Ministries Pastoral Council Commission Head


E Piper 2022 Summer 2.jpg

Elizabeth Piper

Director of Faith Formation

404-261-7181 ext. 126

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Our Lady of the Assumption

Catholic Church


Office/ Mailing: 1406 Hearst Drive NE

Church: 135o Hearst Drive NE

Brookhaven, GA 30319


(404) 261-7181


Monday - Friday: 8am-4pm


Closed on Holy Days of Obligation and National Holidays

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© 2024 by Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church

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Web Editor: Anne Stephens

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