Advertising Submission Requests
All requests for bulletin submissions (social media, the e-news, and website) must be made through the form below.
Bulletin submissions must be received by 9am on the Tuesday twelve days prior to your requested bulletin date. E-news, social media, and website requests will be posted as soon as possible.
Bulletin Deadlines are subject to change.
Please Note the Following:
ALL promotional images are created by the Communications Office.
BE BRIEF. Space is limited. All submissions are subject to editing.
Do NOT email additional text to the Communications Director.
Do NOT include contact/website information in text.
Requests from outside of OLA will be included on the "Around the Archdiocese" page of our website and not in the bulletin due to lack of space.
Questions? Email Anne Stephens at astephens@olachuch.org
Nuevas Solicitudes de Envío de Boletines
A partir del 20 de marzo de 2023, todas las solicitudes de envío de boletines deben realizarse a través del formulario a continuación.
Las presentaciones deben recibirse antes de las 9 a. m. del jueves diez días antes de la fecha solicitada para el boletín. Los plazos para boletines están sujetos a cambios.
Próximos cambios de fecha límite
Boletín del domingo de Pascua, 9 de abril: vence el miércoles 29 de marzo a las 9 a. m.
Boletín del domingo 16 de abril: vence el viernes 31 de marzo a las 9 a.m.
¿Preguntas? Envíe un correo electrónico a Anne Stephens a astephens@olachuch.org