Faith Formation and Spiritual Life
Lifelong formation is the process through which we come to follow Jesus more closely throughout the course of our lives. Grounded in the Gospel, instruction in the faith and accompaniment in this journey of spiritual growth, lifelong formation equips us to respond to the events of our lives in light of the Gospel. These experiences, guided by the Holy Spirit and in communion with God and one another through the Church, help us answer our baptismal call to live as missionary disciples through the seasons of our lives.
Lifelong formation leads to deeper engagement in the life of the Church and in one’s community, including social transformation in light of the Gospel.
Encountering Christ
At the center of lifelong formation is encounter with Christ. As the Directory for Catechesis teaches, faith formation “is oriented toward forming persons who get to know Jesus Christ and his Gospel of liberating salvation even better; who live a profound encounter with him and choose his own way of life and his very sentiments, striving to realize, in the historical situations in which they live, the mission of Christ which is the proclamation of the kingdom of God” (DC 75).
Faith formation proclaims and reaffirms God’s saving love in Jesus Christ, and also “makes the initial conversion ripen and helps Christians give a complete meaning to their existence, educating them in a mentality of faith in keeping with the Gospel, to the point of gradually coming to feel, think and act like Christ” (DC 77).
Why “Lifelong”?
“Formation,” the Directory for Catechesis tells us, “is an ongoing process that, under the guidance of the Spirit and in the living womb of the Christian community, helps the baptized person take shape,” unveiling our deepest identity as children of God in profound communion with others. (DC 131)
Faith formation is intended for people at all stages of life. “Every one of the baptized, called to the maturity of faith, has the right to adequate catechesis. … For one thing, faith is not a linear process and it participates in the development of the person, and this in turn influences the journey of faith. It cannot be forgotten that every phase of life is exposed to specific challenges and must confront the ever-new dynamics of the Christian vocation” (DC 224).
Family and Youth Formation Ministries
OLA’s Family and Youth Formation Ministries foster continuing education on the teachings of the Catholic Church and opportunities for spiritual growth for the children and youth of the parish.
Click the offerings below to learn more:
Adult Formation and Spiritual Life Ministries
OLA’s Adult Formation and Spiritual Life Ministries foster continuing education on the teachings of the Catholic Church and opportunities for spiritual growth for adults.
Click the offerings below to learn more:
Contact Us
Maria Thomas
Family and Youth Formation Ministries Pastoral Council Commission Head

Art Keegan
Adult Formation and Spiritual Life Ministries Pastoral Council Commission Head