As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.
- 1 Peter 4:10
The mission of Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church is to foster a diverse parish that supports the spiritual growth and needs of our community.
It is your support that makes it possible for our parish and ministries to function. Through worship, education, and service in the Catholic tradition, we continue to grow in our relationship with God and one another through Jesus Christ in the spirit of Mary our patron.
The Archdiocese of Atlanta suggests distributing the 10% biblical tithe as follows: 5% of your total income to your parish, 1% to the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal and 4% to other charities.

Drop cash or checks in the offertory basket at Mass each week. In order to track your donations, you must use an offertory envelope. If you are dropping or mailing your weekly offertory donation, we ask that you consider switching to our Online Giving Portal.

Online Giving
We offer electronic giving as a way to automate both your regular weekly offering as well as second collections and other special ministry collections. Electronic giving offers convenience for our parishioners and provides much-needed donation consistency for our parish. OLA’s Online Giving lets you set up an automatic donation plan, change your donation plan, and make a one-time donation. As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. Bill Pay through your Bank is not the same as E-giving. OLA’s e-giving portal is different from your bank’s bill pay feature in two ways: With OLA’s system, donations are almost immediately recorded by the church whereas your bank takes time to process and mail the check, and OLA’s e-giving is processed electronically, so there is no need for staff and volunteers to handle a physical check for processing to the bank or to OLA’s giving history system.

Gifts of stock can be made with your broker’s assistance by electronic transfer. Request that your stock broker transfer the stated number of shares electronically to Our Lady of the Assumption’s account. Raymond James & Associates Our Lady of the Assumption Church DTC #0725 FBO: Acct # 15068051 Please contact Jim Schweizer in the Finance Office at Our Lady of the Assumption, 404-261-7181 x130 or jschweizer@olachurch.org to confirm your gift and assure that you receive proper credit. When calling or e-mailing, please include the name of the stock, the number of shares, the date of the donation, and the purpose of the gift. If you have any other questions or need to make a manual transfer of stock certificates, please contact either: Jim Schweizer Our Lady of the Assumption Church 1406 Hearst Drive, NE Brookhaven, GA 30319 404-261-7181, x130 jschweizer@olachurch.org or Raymond James & Associates 770-952-1345

IRA Charitable Rollover Gift
If you are an IRA owner, 70 ½ or older or with RMDs on IRAS, and want to contribute to OLA, then the IRA Charitable Rollover may be for you. Donations are excluded from Federal income and count as part of your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) as well. Check with your tax advisor before taking this step.

Wills And Bequests
To include OLA in your will please contact your estate attorney.

To learn about the annual assessment that the Archdiocese places on the parish, please see our Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Page: archatl.com/appeal.

The walls surrounding the Garden of Memories in front of the church hold our Columbarium where the remains of family and friends are inured. Cost per niche: $5,000 Advance Purchases Buying your columbarium niche now helps you, your loved ones, and OLA. Please contact Benny Strozier, 404-261-7181 x 132 to set up an appointment to complete contract paperwork.

Memorial Bricks
The Garden of Memories outside the front of the church is a place for prayer and reflection open to members of our community. We ask that all visit with a spirit of peace and quiet. The ground is paved with Memorial Bricks our parishioners have purchased over the years to commemorate important events or remember loved ones. Memorial Bricks Small bricks are $200 each and can be engraved with up to three lines, 18 characters each (including spaces). Large bricks are $250 each and can be engraved with up to five lines, 18 characters each (Including spaces).

Teaching Your Child about Tithing
Teaching your child to return God's gifts to Him is an important part of his/her faith formation, incliding helping to understand how important their contributions to the church are - including financial. For smaller children, give them a quarter each week to drop in the offertory basket. For older children encourage them to save from their allowance (or job earnings for older children) to drop in the collection. Their generosity will make a difference in the parish - and will help them grow in generosity throughout life.
Catholic Foundation of North Georgia Endowment
In 2012 The estate of a nephew of Margaret Mitchell donated half of the trademark and literary rights to“Gone with the Wind” to the Archdiocese of Atlanta. The Archdiocese then created a $10,000 endowment through the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia for each parish in the archdiocese, including OLA. The mission of the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia is to support the ministries of the Catholic community through the effective long-term management of endowment funds and the encouragement of stewardship. Growing endowment funds to support the work of the church is a primary purpose of the Catholic Foundation. To donate to the Endowment Fund go to cfnga.org.

Education Endowment
OLA’s Knights of Columbus Council 15161 has established an endowment fund which is to be a permanent living legacy in support of a Catholic education, specifically to finance scholarships for OLA parishioner students. Donate online by clicking here or send a check payable to: Catholic Foundation of North Georgia, 5871 Glenridge Dr. NE , Suite 300, Atlanta, GA 30328. Please note “For KofC Council #15161 Endowment Fund.”