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Holy Week
and Easter

Almighty ever-living God, who as an example of humility for the human race to follow caused our Savior to take flesh and submit to the Cross, graciously grant that we may heed his lesson of patient suffering and so merit a share in his Resurrection. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

- Palm Sunday Mass 

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Palm Sunday

April 13  | Regular Weekend Mass Schedule


Palm Sunday is the final Sunday of Lent and begins Holy Week. Mass begins in the narthex of the Church where the Gospel of Luke will be proclaimed. This Gospel recalls Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem where His followers shout in adoration, "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest.” After a brief homily, the palms are distributed to the faithful and then all process into the church proper. 

The day is also called Passion Sunday as we move from the triumphal entry to the proclaiming of Jesus's Passion and Death. We go from welcoming Jesus to participating in the angry mob yelling, "Crucify Him!" When we leave the church, we carry our palms with us as a reminder of His passion.


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Holy Thursday 

Thursday, April 17| Mass of the Lord's Supper | 7pm 

English - Church  |  Indonesian - Upper Room  | Spanish - Moylan Hall


During the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the scriptures remind us of the first Passover when the Israelites prepared for their passage from slavery into freedom — just as we will pass from the slavery of sin into the freedom of life everlasting. We celebrate Jesus sharing His last Passover meal with His friends. We also celebrate His institution of the Eucharistic celebration and the priesthood – “Do this, in remembrance of me.” Our priests then wash the feet of twelve members of our community as Christ washed the feet of His disciples at the Last Supper. 

The Liturgy ends with the altar being stripped followed by a Eucharistic Procession as the Blessed Sacrament is taken to the Altar of Repose in the Daily Chapel. 

The Chapel will be open for a brief time for Adoration of the Blessed S

The Three Ordinances
At the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the mandate that Jesus gave to his followers is recalled in several forms. Jesus did not give just one command but what would be termed as three ordinances, namely:
1.    “Do this in memory of me” – Celebrate the Eucharist (Luke 22:19 and 1 Corinthians 11:24).
2.    “If I, therefore, your master and teacher have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet. I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do” (John 13:14-15).
3.    “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so should you love one another” (John 13:34).

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Good Friday

Friday, April 18


There is no morning Mass today.

Tre Ore | 12-3pm

The "Three Hours' Agony" or Tre Ore is a liturgical service held on Good Friday from noon until 3 o'clock to commemorate the Passion of Christ. All are invited to attend this service of prayer and meditation.

The Tre Ore includes a meditation on the Seven Last Words of Christ, the Rosary, Silent Prayer, and the Stations of the Cross.

This will not be livestreamed. 



Commemoration of the Lord's Passion | 7pm
English - Church  |  Indonesian - Upper Room  | Spanish - Moylan Hall


Good Friday is considered the most solemn day of the Church year; however, it is a day celebrated with much joy because, without death, there can be no resurrection!

The Liturgy begins in silence as we continue forward from our celebration of the Lord‘s Supper. Our English members will be in the church, while our Indonesian Community will begin in the Upper Room and our Latino Community will begin in Moylan Hall.


During the Liturgy of the Word the Passion of our Lord, Jesus Christ is proclaimed and we remember how he suffered and died for our sins.


As the Liturgy of the Word concludes, our Latino and Indonesion brothers and sisters will join the liturgy in the church. 


The veneration of the cross follows. We come forward to reverence the cross – we kiss it, bow before it, or touch. We humble ourselves before the awesome saving action of Christ.


We leave in silent anticipation of the Easter Vigil.

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Holy Saturday

Saturday, April 19


There is no morning Mass today.

The Easter Vigil | 7pm

English |  Indonesian  | Spanish


The Easter Vigil is the night watch of the Lord’s resurrection. We will proclaim with fire, water and song that CHRIST IS RISEN!

The faithful gather outside of the church with our clergy who will begin by lighting the fire from which the Paschal Candle is lit. As we enter the church it is cloaked in darkness and the light from our candles dispels that darkness – just as Christ dispels our darkness. 

The Old Testament Readings this evening remind us of how God has made Himself present to humankind from the time of creation to the resurrection – this is our Salvation History! The celebration of the mystery of Baptism, the very heart of the Easter Vigil, follows. We then act as witnesses to all those receiving full initiation into the Body of Christ through Confirmation and First Eucharist.

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Easter Sunday

Sunday, April 20


There is no 9am or 5:30pm Mass today.

Join us in celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord!

English  |  7:30am, 9:30am*, 11:30am
Indonesian  |  1:30pm  
Spanish  | 3:30pm 

*   If you attend the 9:30am Mass, please do not arrive prior to 9am

to ensure the safe exit of those attending the 7:30am Mass. 

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Our Lady of the Assumption

Catholic Church


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Brookhaven, GA 30319


(404) 261-7181


Monday - Friday: 8am-4pm


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Web Editor: Anne Stephens

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