Komunitas Katolik Indonesia
Komunitas Katolic Indonesia (KKI-Atlanta) serves Indonesian Catholics from around the metropolitan Atlanta area. This active OLA community provides Mass in Indonesian and a variety of programs for children and adults. While preserving the Indonesian culture of their members, they continue to integrate into their local community as they grow in faith and understanding of American culture.
If you have questions about our Indonesian Community, please contact Robert Susanto, Coordinator, robertsusanto@gmail.com
Chaplain: Fr. Petrus Pitol, C.S, peternunang@yahoo.com, 929- 413-3797
Weekly Mass
Sunday @ 1:30pm
Family Prayer Meeting
Second Saturday of the month
Weekly Rosary
May and October
Yearly Lunar New Year Celebration
Badminton / Volley Ball
Every second and fourth Sunday of the month after Mass
in the Gym
Homeless Service
Provides homeless meal kit every other month
Photos courtesy of Yoshiko Santoso. and Rendy Tendean. Thank you!
Contact Us

Robert Susanto
Indonesian Community Coordinator