Life Teen
High School Youth Ministry
(Grades 9-12)
“Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire.”
– Catherine of Siena

What is Life Teen?
Also known as High School Youth Group, Life Teen meets weekly on Sundays from 6:30-8:30pm in the Youth Room. We start with dinner at around 6:30, but the door is open following 5:30pm Mass. Each week, we come together to grow in our faith as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ and grow closer to each other as we encounter God in conversation and in one another. Our hope is that every teen who comes through our doors finds a place that feels like home and people they feel like they belong with.
In addition to our weekly sessions, we also take students on retreats, various service opportunities, and other fun events throughout the year!
Be on the lookout for these and other opportunities to get involved in Life Teen!
See below or click here to download the Fall 2025 Life Teen Calendar!
Learn more about Life Teen.

Life TeenRegistration
for the 2024-25 Year
Upcoming Meetings

March 30th: Night of Praise
April 6th: No Youth Group
April 13th: What’s so Good about Good Friday?
April 20th: No Youth Group
April 27th: Meet the Newest Saint: Carlo Acutis
May 4th: End of Year Party
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Class Code: @ymola
Core Team Volunteers
Youth Ministry wouldn’t be possible without a team of adult volunteers willing to step up and help share the love of Jesus Christ with our teens. You don’t have to be an expert on Theology or the Bible; your responsibility is to love teens and show them that they are loved by God.
If you want to learn more about how you can help build our Life Teen program, contact Andrew at aknuckles@olachurch.org.
Life Teen Mass
All are invited to celebrate with us each Sunday at the 5:30pm Life Teen Mass. This Mass is ministered exclusively by the teens of our parish. At this Mass, we use contemporary music to help shape an environment for teens and their families to be led deeper into the Mass and closer to Christ.
We are always looking for new people to get involved making this Mass happen! We need Lectors, EHMCs, Greeters to pass out song sheets and new members for our Life Teen Band. See below for ways to get involved.
Lectors/Readers (6th Grade and Older)
Lectors read the 1st Reading, 2nd Reading, and Prayers of the Faithful at Mass. There are usually 3 lectors at each Mass.
Lectors should read over and practice the readings before arriving at Mass. Readings can be found by clicking here.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
To be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC), a teen must:
Be a Catholic in good standing with the Church,
Have received the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation,
Be 16 years of age or older,
Exhibit a strong faith and positive attitude, and
Actively participate in the Mass.
Extraordinary Ministers will be scheduled to serve at 5:30 PM Mass throughout the year. Once trained, teens may serve at any Mass at OLA, so you should always check in no matter what Mass you attend!
Life Teen Band (7th Grade and Older)
All adults and teens 7th grade and up are invited to participate in the Life Teen Band and Choir that leads music at the 5:30pm Sunday Mass each week.
With an emphasis on modern praise and worship music as well as contemporary arrangements of classic hymns, this group rehearses one hour before Mass begins at 4:30pm in the upstairs choir room.
Interested individuals should contact Jake Mappes, Life Teen Worship Leader and Coordinator, at jmappes@olachurch.org for more information.
Adult Volunteers
We are also looking for a few adults to help coordinate the teen volunteers at this Mass.
For more information on the Mass contact Andrew Knuckles, Director of Youth Ministry, at aknuckles@olachurch.org!
Archdiocesan Safe Environment Training
The Archdiocese of Atlanta is committed to helping children and young people learn and grow in a healthy and safe environment. OLA Parish complies with diocesan safe environment policies and procedures.
Training for Children
In accordance with the U.S. Bishop’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, the program Protecting God’s Children – Teaching Touching Safety (commonly referred to as “Virtus”) is used in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade participate in a safety lesson in their first year and once they move up to the next grade group.
Before registering your child for Life Teen it is required that you read the VIRTUS information that can be found by clicking here.
Training for Adults
The Safe Environment training for Adults of the Archdiocese of Atlanta includes training in how to recognize, prevent and report abuse. All employees, and volunteers who regularly work with minors, receive this initial training, as well as ongoing training and background screening. The Code of Conduct, Sexual Abuse Policy, Ministerial Standards for Clergy, Educators and all Working with Children and Vulnerable Individuals, Social Media Policy as well as the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People are available at the diocesan website at www.archatl.com. An overview of the children’s training, parent guide, and lesson plans are also available on the diocesan website. Click here for VIRTUS safe environment information.
Contact Us
Andrew Knuckles

Jake Mappes
Director of Music
Maria Thomas
Family and Youth Formation Ministries Pastoral Council Commission Head