Mass Times
The heart of every Catholic Community is its worship.
It is through our worship that we come together as community to worship and praise our Lord, where we find comfort and healing, and then go forth to do His work.

Mass Times
9am (Daily Mass) and 5pm (Vigil Mass)
English: 7:30am, 9am, 11:30am, and 5:30pm
Indonesian: 1:30pm
Spanish: 3:30pm
Monday - Friday
7:30am (Daily Mass)
See Below for Holy Days of Obligation
Mass Livestream

Holy Days of Obligation
Mass Times: 7:30am, 7pm
For some Holy Days, there is a 7pm Vigil
the night before at 7pm.
Mary, Mother of God
December 31st at 5pm
January 1st at 10am
For Children
Little Lambs | 9am Mass | Preschool Aged
During the school year, children are invited to receive their own Liturgy of the Word during Mass, leaving before the readings
and returning at the offertory. ​Contact Emily DeWitt at emily13dewitt@gmail.com
Children's Liturgy of the Word | 9am Mass | K - 1st
During the school year, children are invited to receive their own Liturgy of the Word during Mass, leaving before the readings and returning at the offertory. Contact ​Bridgett Posey and Sarah Welch at childrensliturgy@olachurch.org.
Nursery | 9am Mass | 1-4 Year Olds
The Nursery is available on Sundays during the 9am Mass
(Weekend after Labor Day - Weekend before Memorial Day) in the Preschool for (ages 1-4yrs).
Contact Laura Kleinman at nursery@olachurch.org.
Children's Choir
OLA’s Music ministry provides many opportunities for our young people to share their musical skills with the parish: Children & Youth Choirs, and Hand Chime Team. Contact Jake Mappes, Director of Music, at jmappes@olachurch.org.

For Teens
Teen Ministered Mass | Sunday | 5:30pm
Our 5:30 Mass on Sundays is ministered exclusively by the teens of our parish. Teens serve in the following capacity:
Lectors, Ushers, and
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
Contact ​Andrew Knuckles, Youth Minister at aknuckles@olachurch.org.
LifeTeen Band | Sunday | 5:30pm
Teens and Adults are invited to join the Sunday 5:30pm Life Teen Band. The Band leads the music each week with rehearsals before Mass. Contact ​Jake Mappes, Director of Worship, at jmappes@olachurch.org.
To Learn More about the Life Teen Mass, click here.
Low Gluten Hosts
For those with gluten intolerance we provide low gluten hosts made by the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in Clyde, MO. As stated on their website their "breads are made of wheat starch (wheat flour from which much of the gluten protein has been removed) plus water. It’s gluten content is <.001%. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has approved them for use in all dioceses." You can learn more about the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration at www.BenedictineSisters.org.
Low Gluten Hosts are automatically consecrated at each Mass.
You do not need to notify clergy before the liturgy.
1. During communion, you go to the line where the priest is distributing communion. (If the priest isn’t distributing communion you still go to the right line at the main aisle.)
2. When you are ready to receive, notify the priest (or whomever is distributing communion) that you are receiving the low gluten host.

Ash Wednesday Mass Times
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
7pm (Tri-Lingual)
Contact Us

Jake Mappes
Director of Music & Liturgy