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Noticias de la Comunidad Latina


Sociedad de María transferirá el liderazgo de OLA a la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta


Querida Comunidad Parroquial y Escolar Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, La Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción ha sido confiada al cuidado pastoral de la Compañía de María desde 1965. Los Padres y Hermanos Maristas lo consideran un ministerio importante y han tenido el placer de trabajar con la gente de la parroquia y las escuelas de la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta. Con gran pesar les digo que no tenemos sacerdotes maristas para seguir formando parte del personal de OLA. Recientemente hablé con el Arzobispo Hartmayer para informarle y que pueda organizar el cuidado pastoral de la gente de la parroquia. Trabajaremos juntos en una transición sin problemas para que los feligreses, las familias escolares y los visitantes reciban un buen servicio cuando la parroquia regrese a la Arquidiócesis en julio de 2025.


En la Provincia estadounidense de la Sociedad de María, OLA es una de las últimas parroquias que contamos con personal en el país. Es una parroquia vibrante con escuelas grandes y excelentes. Por lo que veo, oigo y leo, es una verdadera comunidad de fe y acción, que reúne a personas de diferentes culturas e idiomas. Siempre me impresionan las liturgias y la variedad de proyectos de extensión que involucran a tantos feligreses laicos. Realmente has sido una inspiración para nosotros. Me complace que haya muchas conexiones con el Colegio Marista, donde los Padres y Hermanos Maristas seguirán sirviendo.


I join you in gratitude to Fr. Jim Duffy, along with Frs. Kevin Duggan, John Bolduc, Ed Sheehan and John Ulrich. Fr. Duffy has served the parish since 2000, and as pastor since 2006. He and the other Marists from the beginning have served over so many faith-filled years.  From all that I hear the parish is in good spiritual, physical and financial shape.  The dream of enhancing liturgies with a beautiful new pipe organ for the church will be achieved within the next several months. The schools are excellent Catholic schools with strong enrollment and great leadership.


​It is difficult for the Marists to give up the pastoral responsibilities of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish.  We are grateful to the people of the parish and schools for the real privilege and blessing of working with such a faith community for almost 60 wonderful years. The parish and schools have a rich history and the Society of Mary is please to have shared that history with you. We hope that we are leaving strong Marist values and traditions which will endure into the future.  We are also grateful to the Archbishop and his predecessors for entrusting the pastoral care of the parish and schools to the Society of Mary.  We look forward to working with the Archdiocese so that the parish and schools continue to be served well.


I hope there is an opportunity before next July to celebrate the long and fruitful    relationship between the OLA community and the Society of Mary. The people of the parish and schools will continue to be in the prayers of Marists and in the hearts of those who have been fortunate enough to minister at OLA with you. May God  continue to bless the parishioners and school families at Our Lady of the Assumption.  Please join me in praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, including to the Society of Mary.



Very Rev. Joseph Hindelang, s.m.                                                                                                                 

Provincial Superior

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