Parish Life Ministries
“Joy is a net of love by which we catch souls.”
- Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Parish Life ministries provide welcoming and social activities for our parishioners of all ages. These ministries help our community grow in relationship with one another. If you have questions about a Parish Life ministry, please contact the ministry leader listed or the Commission Ministry Head, Kevin O'Toole, at PC-ParishLife@olachurch.org.
For Everyone
Doughnut Sunday
Doughnuts, coffee, and juice are served once a month after the 9am Mass (September through May).
Sara Pilling, jacksonsara@hotmail.com
Lenten Fish Fries
Come join your fellow parishioners for FRYdays during Lent. Good food and fellowship for all ages. Volunteers are needed for all aspects of the ministry.
Nick Maddox, fishfry@olachurch.org
OLA Hospitality Ministry
This ministry helps with food preparation, set-up, service and clean-up for special events throughout the year hosted by the pastor and/or parish priests. This is a great opportunity to give back and provide support to the Marists at our parish. Volunteers are added to an email list and are able to sign up for opportunities to help according to their own availability.
Alicia Macchia and Augusta McCarthy, olahospitality@olachurch.org
OLA One Ministry
OLA One invites you to join together, integrating our community more than ever, making it stronger, while enjoying the diversity and the good things that our different cultures can give to each other. Our members participate in scheduled parish events, and host diverse events throughout the year - all aimed at bringing our entire community together!
Adriana Moreno, oneola@olachurch.org
Parish Life Group
All are invited to gather during the school year for various activities and service projects. Our events are open to singles, married couples, couples without children, single parent families - everyone! Volunteer opportunities exist at all levels for events.
Emily Schroll, parishlife@olachurch.org
Athletic Ministry
OLA's Recreation Ministry includes a weekly men's basketball program and a men's softball program. Other programs can be created and sponsored based on volunteer support. For information about Men's Basketball contact Lee Posey, basketball@olachurch.org and for men's softball contact Rob Aldrich, Catholic Metro Sports, raldrich@catholicmetrosports.com, www.catholicmetrosports.com
Book Club
The OLA Book Club for adults meets on the second Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. in the Upper Room. The group reads a variety of current and classic books which then leads to a lively and thought-provoking discussion in an informal and friendly setting. Consult the parish bulletin for each month's book and come to the meeting if you are interested in discussing it with other readers. No rsvp required! Sharon Bowman: sharon.bowman@comcast.net
Bridge Club
All skill levels are welcome to this dynamic group that meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month October thru June, 4 - 7pm in Moylan Hall. Mary Anne, maryannegrady2016@gmail.com or Charlie Grady, charliegrady@att.net
Prime Timers
The Prime Timers Ministry welcomes all parishioners 65 and older who enjoy cultivating faith, friendship, and service. We host monthly Friday Lunch & Learns and other events throughout the year. Email us for more information, to receive our monthly email, and/or to become a part of Prime Timers. Betsie Greiff, primetimers@olachurch.org
​Welcome Ministry
This team organizes quarterly welcome events (4 breakfasts) in Moylan Hall. We invite and greet new member families at these events. Activities include organizing events, greeting and hosting new member families, informing new member families of ministry opportunities, new member gift assembly, and help with setup and cleanup. Andrea Creyer and Amy Kane, welcome@olachurch.org
Women's Circle
The purpose of Women's Circle at OLA is to offer women of all ages quality opportunities for relational connections, personal growth and service to others. Monthly meetings offer speakers, activities, community outreach, and social gathering. Email us to find out the details of our next meeting! Corinna Rogers, Madilyn Kramer, and Edie Pierelli, womenscircle@olachurch.org
For children and Youth
OLA's Recreation Ministry sponsors elementary aged school teams during the Catholic Metro League season. There are also special events for the family throughout the year. https://clubs.bluesombrero.com/Default.aspx?tabid=1401036
Rob Aldrich, Catholic Metro Sports, raldrich@catholicmetrosports.com, www.catholicmetrosports.com
Boy Scouts
The boy scouts provide a program for young boys that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating in citizenship, and develops personal fitness.
Peter Baljet, boyscouts@olachurch.org
Cub Scouts
All local boys in 1st - 5th grades are invited to join OLA’s Cub Scout Pack 21. Pack 21 is over 100 boys strong, coming from Montgomery, Ashford Park, OLA, and several other schools. We are a nationally-recognized, Gold Award-winning pack. Cub Scout principles include character development, spiritual growth, good citizenship, sportsmanship, and service. Pack 21 aims to teach those principles through fun and exciting activities: family camping trips, the Pinewood Derby, Space Camp, the Raingutter Regatta, biking, a model rocket launch, hiking in the Smoky Mountains, games, skits, worship, and more.
Owen Keegan, cubscouts@olachurch.org
Girl Scouts
Girl Scout troops from K through grade 12. The Ministry assists in troop formation and support. All girls of the parish are welcome to join!
Sarah Walker, sarahwalker1212@yahoo.com
Youth Ministry
Click here for Kids Club (3rd - 5th Grades)
Click here for Edge with Purpose (6th - 8th Grades)
Click here for Life Teen (9th - 12th Grades)