Parish Verifications/Active Parishioner Status for Catholic Schools
Letter from Father Jim - May 2024
Dear OLA Families,
My staff and I have just gone through 8 months of processing over 500 parish verifications for Catholic Schools. As you can imagine, it is a huge undertaking. As the school year comes to a close, it is time for you to determine how you will fulfill your obligation to the parish.
As pastor, it gives me great joy to see the number of parishioners who actively participate in ministry and liturgy at OLA and whose financial contributions make a significant impact on our ability to provide ministry for the community.
However, I am disheartened by the number of parishioners who do very little ministry, infrequently attend Mass, and do not financially support the parish in an impactful way - all while expecting me to provide access to a greatly reduced tuition or preferential treatment in the application process.
First and foremost, as Catholics you are obligated to attend Mass weekly. I understand that life circumstances can get in the way of weekly attendance - such as illness - but you still need to commit to the most important aspect of our faith.
Service to the community is vital and we cannot offer the programs, ministries, and social activities without you. It is shocking to me how difficult it is to get people tovolunteer in our parish. The 80/20 maxim is alive and well here at OLA. (Although I think we are closer to 65% of the work being done by 35% of parishioners than 80/20.)
Last October, over Treasure Weekend, we asked for each household to strive toward a $40 a week offertory commitment if it is within your means. Many of you go way beyond that ask and I thank you. Your generosity is a great blessing for our community. It is disappointing to me how many households donate so little.
Detailed information on the Archdiocesan requirements for Active Parishioner status are well known, but can be found at www.olachurch.org/parish-verification.
OLA specific information can be found there as well.
The following is required for Active Parishioner Status for Catholic Schools:
Mass Attendance: Unfortunately, this year we had to reinstate dropping envelopes so that we can verify your attendance. You must drop an envelope when you attend Mass. Also, provide a photo when you submit future verifications so that we can see if we recognize you. Job schedules and children’s athletics are not legitimate excuses for infrequent Mass attendance. Actually, I love to see kids come to Mass in uniform (clean or dirty!).
Ministry: Adults in the household must be actively participating in at least one parish ministry. I would like to see at least 20 hours of actual service per year. Donations to drives for various charities do not count as ministry. Check with your Ministry Leader to determine how your participation meets Parish Verification requirements. This does not include children volunteering or volunteering for outside agencies. Also, attending parish functions does not count toward being active in ministry.
Financial Support: Good stewardship requires that we give back to God from the blessings that He has given to us. Many dioceses recommend contributing 5% of take-home pay to parishes, 1% to the Archbishop's Annual Appeal, and 4% to the other charities. We need your financial support to keep the lights on - and to provide ministry and services to the community. Households requesting active parishioner status should be donating a minimum of $1500 to parish offertory in the calendar year and have a pledge on file (www.olachurch.org/pledge).
The expectations listed above are required for households wishing to obtain Active status. This information will be verified. My staff carefully reviews every verification that comes into our office - and I review those that do not meet the requirements. Over the past years - especially since COVID - I have been lenient with regard to verifications. The time has come to hold you accountable to what you are asking of the church.
I understand that there are times when circumstances or emergencies preclude your ability to fulfill these obligations. In that case, you will need to contact my office to set up a meeting with me prior to the start of the upcoming school year (for the 2025-26 School Years Verification) - or as soon as a problem arises.
Again, most of you are faithful stewards of the parish, and I thank you. You make OLA the great, vibrant, faith-filled and compassionate community that it is. You are a blessing to our community.
Yours in Mary, Our Mother,
Father Jim Duffy, SM, Pastor
The Archdiocese of Atlanta defines “Active Parishioners” as:
Those who have been registered in the parish for at least six (6) months; (please note that if you registered during the last six (6) months in this parish, you must provide evidence that you were previously active members at another parish, for a cumulative period of at least six (6) months),
Attend Mass weekly and on Holy Days of Obligation, and
Contribute financially (in a trackable way) to support the parish and the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, , and
Contribute time and talent by participating in one or more ministries in the parish.
You must adhere to all of the requirements listed above as set forth by the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s Office of Catholic Schools to receive Active Parishioner Status.
See below for more detailed, OLA specific, information on these requirements.
Verifications must be received no later than TEN business days prior to the school deadline. (This is for OLA School and Non-OLA Catholic schools.)
Verifications submitted after that time are not guaranteed to be turned in to the school on time.
OLA Specific Requirements
Parish Registration
Your household must be officially registered as parishioners of Our Lady of the Assumption, as recorded in our parish database.​
If you registered at OLA within past six months prior to submitting your Parish Verification, you must provide a statement of your active and contributing members status from your former parish to be granted Active Parishioner Status through OLA.
​Notification must be sent directly from your former parish to the Pastor's Secretary, Karen Kotara, at kkotara@olachurch.org. ​
Mass Attendance
As Christian Catholics we are obligated to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.
“The Sunday Eucharist is the foundation and confirmation of all Christian practice. For this reason the faithful are obliged to participate in the Eucharist on days of obligation, unless excused for a serious reason (for example, illness, the care of infants) or dispensed by their own pastor. Those who deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave sin.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2181)
Parents of Catholic children should be particularly aware of this teaching of the Church, as they have solemnly promised God to raise their children accordingly to the law of Christ and His Church (Rite of Baptism).
Job schedules and children’s athletics are not legitimate excuses for infrequent Mass attendance.
Outside of health reasons, virtual Mass attendance does not apply.
Even if you are donating to the offertory through our online giving program, you must drop your offertory envelope - even if empty - in the collection each week so that we can verify your attendance.
Ministry Involvement
Service is a large component of our response to the Gospel as well as our living out our Baptismal call. Holiness is prayer and action. Therefore, we serve our brothers and sisters in the local and universal communities.
With over 70 ministries, there is something for everyone at OLA! Our ministries fall under the following commissions: Worship, Religious Education and Faith Formation, Spritual Life, Christian Outreach, and Parish Life.
Click here to download our Ministry Guide to learn more about what we have to offer - or click here to search on this website.
As the Parish Verification Process begins in the late Fall it is important to begin your service to the parish early!
Important Information on Volunteering
Volunteer involvement within the parish does not include attendance at events, but requires active membership and frequent participation in one or more of our many ministries. We would like to see at least 20 hours of active service each year.
Also, ​active status in the parish does not include volunteering in the school or other non-parish service.
Don't think you have the time to volunteer?
(We hear that a lot.) Sign up for one of our worship ministries that take place during the weekend Masses - or join a ministry where you can serve on your schedule.
Donating vs. Volunteering
OLA parishioners are incredibly generous. Whenever there is a need our parishioners step in to donate to various drives and events. We are grateful to your donations to the good works of our parish, local community, and universal Church.
However, those one-time, holiday, or yearly donation drives do not count toward Active Parishioner Status.
Parental involvement is required.
While we encourage and appreciate your child/ren's ministry, Acrtive Parishioner Status is dependent upon the involvement of parents only.
Be sure to check with your ministry leaders on what they require to be considered active members of the ministry.
Financial Support
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that the fifth precept of the church, "you shall help to provide for the needs of the Church," means that the faithful are obliged to assist with the material needs of the Church. Without your consistent financial support, the church cannot function.
We understand that the level of financial support will vary from family to family depending, of course, upon family income and circumstances.
However, many dioceses recommend contributing 5% of take-home pay to parishes, 1% to the Archbishop's Annual Appeal, and 4% to the other charities.
Households requesting active parishioner status should be donating a minimum of $1500 to parish offertory in the calendar year and have a pledge on file.
Make your pledge today by clicking here.
Please note that the following, while greatly appreciated and important, do NOT count toward your active parishioner status:
Donations that do not contribute to the operational expenses of the parish,
Donations to OLA School, and
Donations to outside charities through OLA's online giving portal (this includes IOH, St. Vincent de Paul, Second Collections, etc...)
Tuition and Assesment
Tuition for active Catholic families at Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic School for the 2023-2024 school year is $11,287. The tuition rate for non-active families is $12,787.
Each year, OLA parish is required to pay an annual School Assessment fee to the Archdiocese of Atlanta to help offset the cost of Catholic education in our Archdiocese. This year, our parish assessment fee is $64,000.
All students in the Archdiocesan Catholic school system benefit from this financial subsidy from our parish. These funds come directly from our parishioner-funded offertory.
Therefore, if your family is an active, contributing member of our parish, you are helping to support Catholic students within our Archdiocesan school system and you can receive the benefit of lower tuition.
How to Donate
Click here to learn how you can support the good works of our parish.
Experiencing Hardship?
If your family is experiencing hardship and cannot fulfil these requirements, contact Karen Kotara, Pastor's Secretary, at kkotara@olachurch.org to schedule a meeting with Father Jim, Pastor, to discuss your situation.
Be sure to contact Fr. Jim as soon as the hardship arises - don't wait until it is time to fill out your Parish Verification.