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Holy Week: An Invitation to Triduum


Updated: Mar 25, 2024

"The rites suggested for Holy Thursday and Good Friday, the rich silence of prayer of Holy Saturday and the solemn Easter vigil provide us with the opportunity to deepen the feelings and the values of  our Christian vocation unleashed by the Paschal mystery, and to strengthen it by faithfully following Christ in all circumstances, just as he did, even to the point of giving up our own existence to him…


These holy days reawaken a great hope in us…Christ was crucified, yet he rose again and conquered the world. Love is stronger than hate, it has triumphed and we should affiliate ourselves with this victory of love. We should therefore start again from Christ and work together with him for a world founded on peace, justice and love."


- Pope Benedict XVI



Holy Thursday

Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7pm

There is no Morning Mass Today.

During the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the scriptures remind us of the first Passover when the Israelites prepared for their passage from slavery into freedom — just as we will pass from the slavery of sin into the  freedom of life everlasting.


We celebrate Jesus sharing His last Passover meal with

His friends. We also celebrate His institution of the Eucharistic celebration and the priesthood – “Do this, in remembrance of me.”  Our priests then wash the feet of twelve disciples as Christ did at the last supper.


The liturgy ends with the altar being stripped and a Eucharistic Procession as the Blessed Sacrament is taken to the Altar of Repose. The Blessed Sacrament will be present for

Adoration until 10pm.


On Holy Thursday we participate in the washing of feet. How do you ‘wash’ others through your actions or attention, your ministry, service, and care?




Good Friday

The Commemoration of the Lord's Pasison, 7pm

There is no Morning Mass Today.

The Tre Ore, 12noon-3pm            

The "Three Hours' Agony" or Tre Ore is a liturgical service held on Good Friday from noon until 3 o'clock to commemorate the Passion of Christ. All are invited to attend this service of prayer and meditation.


The Tre Ore includes a meditation on the Seven Last Words of Christ, the Rosary, Silent Prayer, and the Stations of the Cross. There will be time for silent meditation and reflection during these three hours.


Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion, 7pm    

The Liturgy begins in silence as we continue forward from our celebration of the Lord‘s Supper.


Good Friday is considered the most solemn day of the Church year; however, it is a day celebrated with much joy, because without death, there can be no resurrection!


During the Liturgy of the Word, we listen as the Passion of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is proclaimed beautifully in song by our choir. We remember how Jesus suffered and died for our sins.


The veneration of the cross follows. We come forward to reverence the cross  – we kiss it, touch it or bow before it.  We humble ourselves before the awesome saving action of Christ.


We leave in silent anticipation of the Easter Vigil.


On Good Friday we reverence the cross. How do you show reverence

or love for the people in your life? What about those who are difficult

to love?




Holy Saturday

 The Easter Vigil, 7pm

There is no Morning Mass Today.

The Easter Vigil is the night watch of the Lord’s resurrection.  We will proclaim with fire, water and song that CHRIST IS RISEN!


We gather outside of the church and begin by lighting the fire from which the Paschal Candle is lit. As we enter the church it is cloaked in darkness and the light from our candles dispels that darkness – just as Christ dispels our darkness.


The Old Testament Readings this evening  remind us of how God has made Himself   present to mankind from the time of creation  to the   resurrection – this is our Salvation  History!


The celebration of the

mystery of Baptism is at the very heart of the Easter Vigil. We will act as witnesses to all those receiving full initiation into the Body of Christ through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist.



At the Easter Vigil we light the Paschal candle, bless water, and feast in the Holy Eucharist. What or who lights your life? How does Mass lead you to follow Jesus as your model and guide?




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