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Introducing OLA90: 90 Days of Devotion


Now, more than ever, is a time when our Church, our, Nation, and the World need to be lifted in prayer. We need the Peace, Mercy, and Love of Christ to center us. OLA90: 90 Days of

Devotion offers each of us the opportunity to be centered on Christ! While we cannot

eliminate the broader tension due to the election – and other tensions in our lives and the world - we can commit to keeping our focus on what matters.  Led by Deacon Bill Kester,

Deacon Mat Mathews, and Kevin O’Toole, we want to come together as a parish community and focus on Christ and our OLA family. Beginning on our patronal feast day, the Assumption on August 15th and ending with the memorial date of Marist founder Jean Claud Colin on November 15th we will journey together. 

The 90 days of devotion include: 

  • Prayer (including reading Exodus and praying the Liturgy of Hours or the Rosary);

  • Fasting (from social media and news, as well as some Lent-like days of fasting); and

  • Physical Exercise.

Parishioners will be grouped in pairs of men and women to support each other during these days of devotion. Throughout this spiritual revival you’ll receive text or email updates with readings, suggestions, and other materials. 

Please prayerfully consider joining OLA90 as dedicate we ourselves to deepen our personal relationships with Christ, with one another, with our OLA Community, and with the world! Stay tuned!

More information is coming soon!



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