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Jubilee of Artists


Let’s Celebrate Those Who Give Hope and Honor God Through Their Artistic Talents!

We are very excited to be celebrating the Jubilee of Artists the weekends of February 15/16 and 22/23 as part of the Church’s Jubilee of Hope!


Please take time to stop in the narthex and view the exquisite representations of Hope and the Blessed Virgin Mary that our parishioners have created.


Notes about the Jubilee of Artists from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops:


The Holy See has designated various Jubilee Days throughout 2025 to welcome and celebrate different groups of people and various ministries in the Church. One of these Jubilee Days invites artists, and those who support and nurture artists, to a renewed hope in God.


God is the divine artist. The beauty of the natural world, the beauty of artistic works made by human hands, and the beauty of each human life finds it source in God, the divine artist. And it is God who gives to artists—poets, writers, painters, sculptors, architects, musicians, actors, craftsmen and many others—a special vocation to beauty in the gift of artistic creativity. The work of artists is invaluable for society and for the Church since artistic creativity is an act of hope.


For as St. Paul VI once said, “this world in which we live needs beauty in order not to sink into despair. It is beauty, like truth, which brings joy to the human heart and is that precious fruit which resists the wear and tear of time, which unites generations and makes them share things in admiration. And all of this is through your hands.” (Message to Artists, Sistine Chapel, 1964).


For as Pope Benedict XVI noted: Artists are the custodians of beauty: thanks to your talent, you have the opportunity to speak to the heart of humanity, to touch individual and collective sensibilities, to call forth dreams and hopes, to broaden the horizons of knowledge and of human engagement. Be grateful, then, for the gifts you have received and be fully conscious of your great responsibility to communicate beauty, to communicate in and through beauty! Through your art, you yourselves are to be heralds and witnesses of hope for humanity! (Address to Artists, 2009).









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