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Run To Church 5K Donates $2500 to St. Vincent de Paul


Yesterday at the 9am Mass, Jacqueline Shehata from the Parish Engagement Council (PEC) presented Frances Rodriguez and Maria Head of OLA's St. Vincent de Paul conference with a donation of $2500 to support the good works of SVdP!

The donation comes from the inaugural Run to Church 5K that was hosted by the PEC in August. Thank you to the 300+ parishioners who participated in the race to make this donation possible!

Click here to learn more about the good works of SVdP through their September Neighbor In Need story:

The mission of the PEC is to bring parshioners into more active participation in the life of the church. For more information or to join the council, email Kim Carey at

(Thank you to Robert Svoboda for the photo!)



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