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St. Vincent de Paul Recruitment Weekend


Jesus said, “The poor will always be with us”. Many are surprised to learn that the poor are found not just within the inner city or in deep rural areas, but also right here in our own local communities. They are families and individuals on a limited income who are having problems paying their rent, utility bills, and more. They may have an unexpected car repair and can’t make it to work. Or they may not even have enough money to buy food for their children.


The Society of St. Vincent de Paul can be found where there is poverty and people in need. While our work can be complex, our focus is simple: to grow in faith through serving our neighbor. Guided by the two great commandments: to love God and love our neighbor, we are a person-to-person Catholic ministry that sees the face of Christ in the faces of those whom we serve. We have a conference at our parish because there are so many people in need in and around our parish.

Through the guidance Holy Spirit, you are the reason why we are able to support our neighbors. Your generosity helps us provide money, food, rent and more.

But what we also need is the gift of your time. The OLA St. Vincent de Paul

Conference invites you to put your Catholic faith into action. The need in our area is great and we and don’t have enough Vincentians to keep up. So we are asking for you to join us in our work with those in need - speaking with them over the phone, visiting them as a part of a team, taking them food from our pantry, offering financial assistance, or simply listening. If you don’t think you can do it, trust me, you can.bThose in need are often praying for a blessing - a miracle. A simple conversation with them can make a big difference in their life.


You might be thinking that you simply don’t have the time to squeeze another activity into an already busy lifestyle. With this ministry, the amount of time you wish to dedicate is completely up to you…whether it is one hour per week or one hour per month.


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for what is right; they shall be satisfied. Take the opportunity to put your faith into action and do God’s will, helping those who need it most.


Blessed are the merciful; they will be shown mercy. Take the opportunity to put your faith in action and show mercy to those who are suffering. You won’t regret it.


If you have ever felt like Christ has called you to live those words, then this is the right ministry for you.


Vincentians will be in the narthex aftrer all Masses the weekend of August 24/25 to answer your questions about how you can serve.


You can also contact Steve Conway at to learn more!




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