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Worship Ministries

“It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do without Holy Mass.”

 - Saint Padre Pio

OLA’s Worship Ministries offer our parishioners opportunities to gather in prayer, to serve our liturgies behind-the-scenes, and to assist in the action of the liturgies. Through their gifts and talents ministry volunteers ensure that our liturgical celebrations are truly life-giving expressions of our faith. ​


If you have questions about an individual ministry, please contact the ministry contact listed, our Director of Music & Liturgy, Jake Mappes,, or the Pastoral Council Commission Ministry Head, Jocelyn Ralston, at

Liturgical Support Ministries 

These ministries are for those parishioners who prefer to support our communal prayer outside of actual liturgies.

Altar Linen Ministry

Members of the Altar Linen ministry launder and iron linens used in the celebration of the Eucharist each week. Each member is assigned one week 4 times per year. The ministry is full at the time, but inquireies are always welcome.

Gretchen Heath,


Altar Server Vestment Care

Members of this ministry clean and mend the vestments used by the altar servers.

Kristin Van Buskirk,


Environment and Art

This group plans and implements the decor that enhances our church building throughout the year. Our work centers on the liturgical calendar, so volunteers are needed most during seasons like Advent, Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter. Some of our work is more skilled, like floral work, but some is more ‘’worker bee,” like sweeping, lifting and carrying, or watering plants.

Jocelyn Ralston,


Nursery (Sunday 9am Mass)

The Nursery is available during the 9am Sunday Mass for children 1- 4 years of age throughout the school year (the weekend after Labor Day through the weekend before Memorial Day). The Nursery is located in the OLA Preschool classrooms - follow directional signs on Sunday. Laura Kleinman,

Liturgical Ministries

These ministries are for those parishioners who serve before, during, and after our liturgies.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Wednesdays from 8am - 6pm in the Daily Chapel. Eucharistic Adoration is visiting and spending time in quiet prayer with Jesus present in the Eucharist. It is an expression of our love for Jesus. You can drop in at any time or sign up each week as a Guardian for an hour. ​Francisca (Ria) Xaveria, adoration@olachurch.orgSign up at


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Adults)

Extraordinary Ministers are commissioned to serve communion at weekend and daily Masses. Added training allows you to minister to the homebound, care centers and hospitals (See Ministers of Care on the Christian Outreach Page). New Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion training is held in the spring and the fall.

RaeAnn Brothers, Coordinator,; Sharon Adams (Trainer),


Funeral Coordinators

The loss of a loved one, no matter what the age, causes pain and upheaval for a family. Our parish funeral ministry has the honor of helping families through this difficult time. The ministry entails meeting with family members to plan the funeral liturgy - through scheduling, selecting readings and hymns, and being there to guide the family on the day of the funeral. Ideally, volunteers work in teams of two, rotating between funeral requests, and in coordination with the parish office. Please prayerfully consider joining this vital and rewarding ministry - it is more rewarding than you can imagine. Cheri Felton,


Greeters and Ushers

Greeters welcome those attending liturgies and provide assistance to those in need of seating. Ushers take up the offertory collection and assist at communion. They work together to hand out bulletins and straighten up the church pews and Narthex after Mass. Carlo Pierelli,



Lectors proclaim the scripture readings and Prayers of the Faithful at liturgies. Currently we are seeking lectors at all Masses except for the 9am Sunday Mass. Jake Mappes, Director of Music & Liturgy,



Sacristans assist the clergy in set-up and clean-up at daily and weekend liturgies.

Jake Mappes, Director of Music & Liturgy,


Wedding Guild

Wedding Guild members assist couples in pre-wedding preparations, the rehearsal, and on the day of the wedding. No previous experience necessary. Time commitment is shared with other coordinators.

Cheri Felton,

Music Ministries

The Music Ministry at OLA serves at all the weekend Masses and on Holy Days of Obligation. Its mission is to create a warm, welcoming, and educational environment for any individual searching for a way to give back to the church and to serve during liturgies. Through the gift of music, the members of this ministry share their talents with the congregations each weekend to create and enhance worshipful, powerful, and prayerful moments of the Mass.


Regardless of experience level, availability, or age, all are invited and encouraged to explore the different opportunities OLA’s Music Ministry offers


Click here for more information about Music Ministry at OLA.


Jake Mappes, Director of Music & Liturgy,

For Children and Youth

5:30PM Sunday Mass Ministries

Our 5:30pm Sunday Mass is served exclusively by teens of our parish grades 6 and higher. Lectors, Ushers, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are needed.

Andrew Knuckles, Director of Youth Ministry,


Altar Servers

These young ministers (boys & girls 3rd grade and older) are trained to assist the clergy in the celebration of the Eucharist for school Masses, weekend liturgies, funerals, and nuptial Masses. ​Lynn and Bill Kester, Vyvy Vyoung, Lawrence Lee,


Children's Choir (1st - 6th Grades)

Children from 1st-6th grade are invited to join the Children's Choir. 3rd-6th graders proclaim the psalm. The Children's Choir sings 1-2 times a month at the 9am Mass during the school year and at Christmas and Easter. Click here for more information about Music Ministry at OLA.


Jake Mappes, Director of Music,


Children's Liturgy of the Word (Kindergarten and 1st Grade)

Each Sunday at the 9am Mass during the school year, children who are in kindergarten and first grade are invited to leave Mass to listen to the Liturgy of the Word for children on their own. They will have a time of reflection on the Word, then head back to Mass to join their family at the offertory.  â€‹Bridgett Posey and Sarah Welch,


Life Teen Band (7th - 12th Grades)

All adults and teens 7th grade and up are invited to participate in the Life Teen Band and Choir that leads music at the 5:30pm Sunday Mass each week. With an emphasis on modern praise and worship music as well as contemporary arrangements of classic hymns, rehearsals begin promptly at 4:30pm in the upstairs choir room.  Click here for more information about Music Ministry at OLA. â€‹Jake Mappes, Director of Music,


Little Lambs

Each Sunday at the 9am Mass during the school year, independent preschool aged children are invited to receive their own Liturgy of the Word during Mass. They are led out by our community shepherd prior to the first reading, and then return to Mass at the offertory. They experience scripture and a reflection designed just for their age group.

Maggie Holcombe,

Contact Us

Ralston Jocelyn (2).JPG

Jocelyn Ralston

Worship MinistriesPastoral Council Commission Head


Jake Mappes

Director of Music & Liturgy

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Our Lady of the Assumption

Catholic Church


Office/ Mailing: 1406 Hearst Drive NE

Church: 135o Hearst Drive NE

Brookhaven, GA 30319


(404) 261-7181


Monday - Friday: 8am-4pm


Closed on Holy Days of Obligation and National Holidays

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